Thursday, October 16, 2008

With a Little Help From My Friends

I think my all time favorite Beatles song is "With a Little Help From My Friends." It is magical to my soul. My dad turned it into a mini sound-clip, and it is now my ringtone (for Cody only, though)! Color me excited.

In other news, things are going well today. For those of you who may not know, my sister is coming into town this evening, for the weekend. She's getting here in about 8 hours. I am excited! I kind of slept on and off last night in anticipation for her to get here, and the thought occurred to me that I actually might be losing sleep over my excitement for Anna (that's what most people call my sister, her birth name) to be here.

Then I woke up, and Daniel Rowe called me.

NO GREEK TODAY! He said he was going to his 8 AM D&E class and there was a note on the door that said "Dr. Martin's 1 o'clock Greek class is canceled today" (or something to that affect). For those of you who don't know, Greek is kind of hard, and challenging, and an extra day to study and prepare (or just not be there) is a HUGE blessing to my life.

So, so far today, it's been a great day. Being at work today was relatively easy, though I'm starting to feel convicted about some of the things I do around here that maybe I ought not do. But on the other hand, the lady at the drive through window at Shipley's today gave me an extra kolache just for grins! That was super awesome!

So, if you take nothing away from this post, just know that sometimes good days happen, and that is a great thing. I blog a lot about bad days and hard times, but today is not one of those days, and this week doesn't seem to be one of those times. Be blessed my friends.

Much love to you all.


Jeff said...

Great positive blog post. Hope you enjoyed your little day off from classes.

Kelsey said...

we freaking love anna and sarah!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

If I would have known how incredible the girls are I would have lost sleep too!