Sunday, September 28, 2008

Amazing Grace

This morning in SGBS, Jason asked us to think about what our lives would be like without the intervention of God's Grace. I think mine would go a little something like this:

I'd probably be a musician in a band, and into drugs. I'd probably stuck in some apartment somewhere with a girlfriend that I have sex with about once or twice a week, or whenever we feel like it, smoking pot and popping pills. I probably wouldn't have much of a relationship with my family, but I'm willing to bet I'd still love them, just at a distance. I would probably be very smart, but also very self-serving and something of a schemer, and maybe a thief.

Where would I be without Grace right now?

Angry. Angry, and more alone than I sometimes already feel. Probably also wouldn't have a whole lot -- no RA job, no internship, nada. I'd probably also struggle with serious depression and I might even cry myself to sleep at night, or become an alcoholic. I probably wouldn't blog much either. It's very likely I wouldn't even be at UMHB anymore.

Kind of crazy to think how amazing grace is.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Entertaining Angels

"Beware the barrenness of a busy life."

-- Socrates

Monday, September 15, 2008

Love the One(s) You're With

Dani Beth's most recent blog is an encouragement to me. Well, they are words that should encourage me, and remind me of what I already know.
Maybe it's just simple reinforcement. I'm not sure.
But I appreciate it all the same, and I marvel at God's timing.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Something Heavenly

Yes, it has been a while since I last posted. I hope you missed me.

Lately, the song "Whatever You're Doing" by Sanctus Real has been more than encouraging to me. In fact, it's been the song that encourages me to not to lose heart at times. For better or worse, life is progressing forward and God is bringing me along for the ride. It's not easy. In fact, I find a lot of the time things breathed directly from the mouth of God are often some of the most difficult things to do, swallow.
Nevertheless, I am here. I am finding joy more often, and finding that it is oftentimes much more accessible than I would have myself believe. It is encouraging to me, now, at the end of my day(s), to sit and realize that the day is done and I have some joy. Or at the least, peace. It's comforting, and it's encouraging.
School is in full swing, now, and I have gone to every class once and worked on classwork for every class at least once. I am also experiencing what it is like to not have the monies to pay for foods and other necessities. That is an experience. That is an experience.
I have also begun to re-evaluate my position on "Casual Dating." It was first a very logically-driven thought for me, but now that I'm experiencing it in the practical, I'm beginning to wonder more about it. If I ever revise my policy, I might let you guys know, or I might forget. Anyhow.

"Beware the bareness of a busy life."
-- Socrates

I think it's a good quote.
