Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I could tell, from the minute I woke up...

Can I just say, real quick here, that I really want to write a musical? Well, I'm going to anyway.

I WANT TO WRITE A MUSICAL!!! (and I don't care who knows it)

Now, please don't be mistaken. I don't consider myself a theatrical genius, and so far, my involvement in the theatrical has been Abraham Lincoln in the 1st grade, Elf #2 in the 4th grade, James Brown in the 5th grade, and an OCD character I barely remember from my freshman year here at ol' U of MHB. Clearly, not huge participation, and even then, no script writing. But nonetheless, I want to write a musical.

Why a musical, and not just some story? I don't know. I think the idea of seeing normal people betray their inhibitions to be funny and put on a good show is hilarious. I think that it's much easier to say and or do and or speak of very offensive things when it's set to music (not that I'm looking at being crass, or distateful). I think I enjoy music enough to write my own, fun, silly songs (probably not the actual music part, but the lyrical I think "maybe, yes"). And, I feel like where I'm at in life I could probably contribute a musical much more easier now than later, and it would be more silly, more fun, and more excitingly ridiculous than just another play (plus there's no reason I've found yet that says it should be a screenplay for Hollywood). So, I want to write a musical.

And I mean, a musica. A 1,2,3,however many-hour(s) musical, with songs and dances and characters -- the whole shebang. I like TV, and I love studying movies. I enjoy stories, and I feel like I'm creative enough. So, what is it that I lack?

Inspiration. Time. Resources. For some time now, I have felt the desire to write something -- a story, a book, a movie, a play, a musical. But sadly to say, I just haven't. I could guess the "Why Not" would be much like the "Why Not" now, but I really couldn't tell you, exactly.

So, why am I telling you this? I don't know. I'm just tired of having all this creative energy and desire pent-up inside me. I want it out. I guess maybe I could say I'm looking at finding some inspiration, time, resources, but I really don't know. But we'll see, we'll see.

So, yeah. Have a day my friends.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

With a Little Help From My Friends

I think my all time favorite Beatles song is "With a Little Help From My Friends." It is magical to my soul. My dad turned it into a mini sound-clip, and it is now my ringtone (for Cody only, though)! Color me excited.

In other news, things are going well today. For those of you who may not know, my sister is coming into town this evening, for the weekend. She's getting here in about 8 hours. I am excited! I kind of slept on and off last night in anticipation for her to get here, and the thought occurred to me that I actually might be losing sleep over my excitement for Anna (that's what most people call my sister, her birth name) to be here.

Then I woke up, and Daniel Rowe called me.

NO GREEK TODAY! He said he was going to his 8 AM D&E class and there was a note on the door that said "Dr. Martin's 1 o'clock Greek class is canceled today" (or something to that affect). For those of you who don't know, Greek is kind of hard, and challenging, and an extra day to study and prepare (or just not be there) is a HUGE blessing to my life.

So, so far today, it's been a great day. Being at work today was relatively easy, though I'm starting to feel convicted about some of the things I do around here that maybe I ought not do. But on the other hand, the lady at the drive through window at Shipley's today gave me an extra kolache just for grins! That was super awesome!

So, if you take nothing away from this post, just know that sometimes good days happen, and that is a great thing. I blog a lot about bad days and hard times, but today is not one of those days, and this week doesn't seem to be one of those times. Be blessed my friends.

Much love to you all.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

If you're out on the road

So, I find no shame in admitting this. I somewhat enjoy Gilmore Girls. Rory, Lorelai, Luke, Emily, Richard, Logan, Paris, Laine, Kirk, Sookie, Jackson, not so much Dean, Michel, Stars Hollow, Yale. I don't know what it is, but I kind of like it.

In fact, I watched two episodes this afternoon using my sister's DVDs. I'm trying to catch up as much as I can on season 5. Please don't ask me why I like this show, or why I'm trying to catch up, or why I'm even blogging about this, but I do, I am, and...I...am...? Yeah.

In other news, I put three Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus songs on my iTunes today, as well as the ENTIRE soundtrack to High School Musical 2. Again, don't ask. Please, just don't ask.

I found out my dad has two or three books that would be ginormous helps to me as an aspiring Greek student. Not that you care (but if that was my concern, I probably wouldn't have admitted to GG, HM/MC, or HSM2), but he has Brooks and Winberry's "Guide to Greek Morphology" and "Guide to Greek Syntax." Well, New Testament Greek, that is. The title's definitely much more specific than that, but I figured since you don't care anyway...

I can say that I'm really enjoying my Fall Break so far. I've come to some pretty nice conclusions since I've been home, and I'm becoming more and more excited and anticipatory about the upcoming semester. Also, I left my charger for my cell phone in my apartment in Belton, so I've left my phone completely OFF (well, almost completely) since Friday night. It's been nice to almost completely disconnect myself with the world. I just hope an emergency doesn't arise any time soon. Oh well.

I think for the rest of my Fall Break I'll do homework, more homework, and maybe take a nap or two! Oh, and most definitely watch Heroes in HD tomorrow night. By the way, my dad got not only an HDTV, but HD satellite, and DVR. The man swore to me two years ago he wouldn't get DVR, and yet I recorded, rewinded, and fast-forwarded through "That 70's Show" yesterday. Twas great.

Well, friends, this has been a great break so far, and I for one am glad for it.
See you in a few days...? Later lovers.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Twisted Nerve

Twisted Nerve, that's the name of the song that is my ringtone.

My quote of the day today is "The purpose of life is a life of purpose," by Robert Byrne. I think the purpose in my life, right now, judging from my time and money and commitment, is about as unclear as it's ever been. I'm just so busy. More busy than I would like or prefer. I seem to remember about 6 months ago (actually more) saying to Daniel Rowe that I could quit and drop all my business because I'm tired of it. I listed off to him all the things worth committing too that wouldn't be too much:
  • Student Foundation
  • Internship
  • Missions Emphasis Week
  • RA job
  • searchCRU
Here are the things I am currently committed to:
  • Student Foundation
  • Internship
  • Missions Emphasis Week
  • RA job
  • searchCRU
Hmm...looks like I am in fact a man of my word, but my my was I wrong. I guess I took on too much, but I seem to have so much more going on last semester, or at least more responsibility with fewer commitments. I don't know. Somehow, my free time is gone, daddy gone.

An upper, though, is that MEW will be over in two or so weeks, my RA job responsibilities will lighten up in a month, and that my internship is slowing down. But still, I'm freaking TIRED.

But more than tired, I'm disturbed by the terrible terrible attitude I've got towards my commitments. I don't want to them. I'd rather just sleep, and work. And when I say work, I mean work for a paycheck, not a grade, or an event, or someone else's approval.

Lovers and friends, I'm just stinking tired. I want a break. I'm signing up for nothing next semester, and I may stay that way until I graduate.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Climbing aimlessly over these hills

Lately, though I've turned to the song "Whatever You're Doing," by Sanctus Real, I think in my life I was derailing myself on the line "climbing aimlessly over these hills."

Let me tell you what my God has done for me...

When I was dirty, He told me I was dirty, and cleaned me off.
When I was wrong, He told me I was wrong, and showed me how to be right.
When I was angry, He told me I was angry, and gave me peace.
When I was breaking, He broke me, and made me whole.
When I was helpless, He saved me.

I don't mean to be...emo, but for the first time in a long time, I have rediscovered joy. I have been, to quote so many, surprised by joy. The joy of Jesus Christ. The peace that passes all understanding, is now guarding me in Christ Jesus.

I have apologies to make.
I have people to thank.
I have wrongs to make right.
But beyond all that, I have a God that would love a creature, so small, so selfish, that has drawn a circle around himself, and excluded everything beyond it, and that same God took such a creature, lifted his head, and brought him out of his suffering.

Thank you God. Thank you.